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Photos To Make You Smile

A few weeks ago, we were on a return trip from visiting relatives, when our Rondo caught up with something unique.

A quick glance in the spy mirror, a built-in feature that grants parents a complete view of any devious behaviour that may be occuring in the cheap seats, revealed that even our nine-year-old had foresaken her tablet. She gazed out her window, mouth agape, at the spectacle.

Then, almost in unison, we began to laugh.

I offered the usual Dad Joke. "I guess that truck just needed one extra horse power."

Naturally, everyone went hysterical at such a witty remark. :)

The horse even had a few groupies trailing behind.

But of course not everyone agreed with staring obsessively at their champion mare. Two opted to respect her privacy.

Only in Canada, would you find a horse, bull, cow, and moose, riding peacefully together along one of the country's busiest highways.

Geese Rule! Cars . . . idle.

Blimp sighting in our backyard. The Prime Minister is on tour.

You must be at least six feet tall to take this ride.

Just Remember these life-changing nuggets.

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