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Word Quiz Answers Revealed!

Because it's Saturday, and I don't want anyone doing homework on a weekend, I'm going to end your suffering. So, put down those Latin study books, and just scroll down. The great unknown is about to become less mysterious.

Thank you for playing this barmy (silly) word quiz, but I don't think Jim would be grateful for being called a glutton (edacious). The good news is, unless your date is extremely sensitive, you probably won't get flak for complimenting her/his armpits (oxters), but it may still be enough to quash a budding romance.

Now, drumroll please, take a deep breath and prepare to be schooled in the bizarre:


This joker is being punished because he spends hours working his naturally wooly and crispy hair with a straight iron.

Doodle Sack

To some, it may sound profane, even painful, but playing/listening to the Bagpipes is a traditional and emotional experience for many.


If you have daughters of dating age, you can use this word before tossing her boyfriend out the door. I mean, how dare he fail to eat the small quantity of leftover meatloaf on his plate!


Try saying this word five times fast, and you will probably develop a fear of failure!

Now go back to bed! It's too early to be up. Have a great weekend!

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