Review of Genesis for the Rest of Us, by John R Little and Darrell J Bierman.

A joint effort, this book was written to shed some undertsanding on the biblical book of Genesis for those who wish to gain more insight into the mystery of the Bible’s first book.

The Blurb:
Bibles are very difficult to read but they are fascinating and full of amazing stories. This book is a clear guide through the Book of Genesis, helping you to understand what it’s all about. This is a book for today’s reader, and it doesn’t matter how much you knew about the Bible before. You’ll never look at a Bible the same way again!
My Take:
I was raised in a Christian home and continue to be a believer. I must say that this book breaks down the story of Genesis in a very down to earth and effective manner.
Working in tandem, John and Darrell work to explain the relative culture and customs in which Genesis was written. It simplifies and takes some of the guess work out of the navigation, with a sprinkle of humor and everyday language.
There are visual aids that include maps and family tree diagrams that will help give a better picture.
I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking further knowledge of Genesis in an easier to understand method.
Meet the Authors:

This volume that you hold in your hands is truly unique and one-of-a-kind. Here’s why: first off, it was co-authored by John R. Little and Darrell J. Bierman, two people who bring drastically different life experiences, education, and perspectives into their writing. In some ways John and Darrell are as different as day is from night. Yet this one thing they share: they both place a high authority on the Bible and want to see more and more people today reading the Bible – particularly from among those who aren’t in the habit of reading it, and even from those who’ve never opened the Bible before.
John R. Little

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Darrell J. Bierman