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Wacky Word Quiz

Happy Friday! The weekend is almost upon us, so, yay! Today, I’ve brought back the word quiz.

Those who’ve been following my blog for awhile, you know what to do. Well, not that it’s overly complicated. Quite simple really.

Each word will have four possible definitions, of course, only one will be right. You can put your guesses in the ‘Comments’ section, or not, and I’ll be back to reveal (Ta-da!) the correct one.

As before, I’ll ask each of you to practice ‘Googlestraint” (made that one up myself, my Mom is so proud . . . um, I think.) In plain English, please do not ask Google or any other ‘know-it-all’ virtual entity.

Here we go!


A: to be confused

B: to have social anxiety causing flatulence

C: (19th century slang) to make a huge mistake that cannot be fixed easily

D: the tuft of hair on top of a male baboon’s head


A: taking one’s sweet time at a project/activity

B: the large wheel on a cotton ginny machine

C: a lie

D: navel lint


A: to speak eloquently

B: tendency to spray saliva when speaking

C: an unruly nose hair that causes irritation and embarrassment

D: to walk gracefully


A: (19th century slang) a derogatory term for a chewing tobacco spittoon and those who use them

B: the massive pin that connects the boon to the bucket on a tractor

C: small shoots that come from the roots of a plant

D: the crease near the thigh, on a leopard frog


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